Thankful Tuesday

So I think I'm going to start writing again. I sort of regret totally deleting my old blog... but can't do anything about it now so here's to a new beginning.

I have been reading a few blogs lately and have really been loving it.  One of them (Mama:Monk) does this Thankful Tuesday thing and I think it's a great idea.  So here's what I'm thankful for today:

  1. Abby is sleeping peacefully beside me after a long bout of crankiness
  2. The dishes are done
  3. The air conditioning is hooked up in my bedroom
  4. Our basement is cool and Tim did an awesome job renovating it this winter so it's totally usable
  5. Tim put Abby's cloth diapers in the dryer at lunch so I won't run out of clean ones
  6. It looks like it's finally going to cool off outside
  7. The public library
  8. Dr. Sears parenting books
  9. Breastfeeding
  10. Matt Redman's 10000 Reasons and Elizabeth Mitchell's You Are My Little Bird
  11. Peanut butter
  12. That Tim planted our vegetable garden and it is going to be so yummy at harvest time
  13. That one of my peonies actually bloomed in the front yard
  14. Oh! And how beautiful and wild our clematis looks
  15. Rachel Held Evans Micha BoyettLisa-JoTherese J BorchardMegan TietzSarah
  16. And all the other bloggers I have yet to find..
