Had myself a Julie-date

I just had a great day!  I've started scheduling a babysitter once a week so I can go on a Julie-date. I've gone three weeks in a row now and I'm just loving the me-time. Tim asked me today why I don't take the dog but I'm not willing to right now. I just want this to be about me and honestly taking the dog sometimes is stressful and annoying. I can take the dog for walks at a different time, not during my Me-time.

Things that stood out on my hike at Sudden Tract today
  • The warm wind blowing like crazy 
  • The butterfly that seemed to follow me throughout the 2 hours.  It kept reappearing at different sections of the trail - I know it was probably different butterflies but it was fun to imagine it was the same one. 
  • Seeing the different types of woodpeckers - the one with the orange head was so cool
  • Bumping into an 80 year old lady and chatting a bit
  • Praying for my friend who is trying to quit smoking
  • Seeing all the brand new spring wildflowers and new growth on the forest floor.  So inspiring!
  • I'm proud of myself for not getting too lost and taking all kinds of side trails. 
  • The feeling of being on an adventure because I didn't know where I was most of the time but by the end had kind of figured the place out. Yay for me!
  • Seeing the garter snakes sunbathing at the end was cool too. 
I did some other stuff today too - I biked with the kids and Tim down to the park, took some pictures and videos and then went to Zumba. I'll post some of the park pictures next. It was a full day. 
