February 2018

As I look at the pictures from last February and browse through my calendar I feel so much gratitude and appreciation for my life.  Abby's highlight was definitely getting a twitter reply from STAMPY.

We had the Tanninen Family over a bunch of times and small group continued on Wednesdays. 
Abby was sick for most of the beginning of February but we still had fun making Valentine and Easter crafts.

Tim killed the Ender Dragon in Minecraft for the first time with Abby, it was pretty exciting!  Tim also helped with the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser again.

I made use of my Crunch membership a few times - went to Zumba which I totally loved and was uber hard.  I played basketball on Tuesdays nights and went out for lots of runs.  I take selfies with the app Map My Run every time I go for a run and I found lots of selfies looking back at February's pictures, it made me happy...  I haven't gone for a run in a long time, been having knee pain this year and trying to focus on strengthening it and the rest of my body :)  I did do 40 push ups the other day but I guess I'll write about that when I'm recapping January 2019 LOL!

Selfies from my February runs :)
