Grand Valley Trail Hike 1 Black Walnut

I started my Grand Valley Trail adventure today.  It was rainy and mild out - probably around 10celsius.  I was a little nervous that I might get lost but it was really well marked.  There was one spot that had a chain across the trail and I wondered if I wasn't allowed to go through but I assumed it was to keep out motorized vehicles as I could see more markings on the trees beyond the barrier. 

I didn't think I'd like walking on the roads but I actually didn't mind.  The view of the grand from the bridge was beautiful. I also came upon an osprey nest and got some photos of it, ooh, and a heron like bird in a farmer's field, and then passed some cows in a forest that were very interested in Kayla and I.  I also went through some private farms with forests on them - there was this one spot where I had to stop and just listen to the symphony of birds!  I had brought headphones to listen to a podcast if I got bored at some point but the birds provided plenty to listen to as I walked!  The final parts of my little hike were Sudden and Dryden Tracts. Dryden of course was my favorite, it is so green and beautiful in there.  I could feel my joy rising as I stepped into that forest -got a pretty shot of a trillium too.  

I took out Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring this week and I'm looking forward to reading it. I noticed that at the end the GVT's trailmarkings newsletter that there was a quote from her saying: A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods. I couldn't agree more.

Here we go!

View from the bridge

First time I noticed the trail markers

Brand new Rutherford Bridge

The MUDSLIDE my kids love to play on at Sudden

Kayla needed a quick drink, we scared a frog!

I just thought this was BEAUTIFUL

See, walking on the road isn't so bad.

I think this is the Inglewood-Chaplin barn, it was really pretty too.

Home stretch, Dryden Tract

A pretty trillium

Got dropped off in Glen Morris at the rail trail parking lot at the end of Forbes St. 
Hiked 11.65km (2:31:18) Lots of appreciation stops!
Van waiting for me at Dryden Tract on Alps Rd. 
