First Kayak of Spring 2021 Victoria to Freeport

We are so lucky to live on the Grand River.  When I first moved to this area I was kind of grossed out by the river, it wasn't like the water I grew up near but it has definitely grown on me. 

Now when I get near it and smell that river smell, I feel so much joy!  

 We parked at the little parking lot / launch Trail parking on Shirley Dr off Victoria and paddled down 10 km down to Freeport. We paddled slow because we had some slow paddlers that we took out and it took 1:50 minutes.  Pretty sure if it were just Tim, Denielle and I it would have taken 1:30.  When the three of us got to Bridgeport we paddled down to the Weir and back which added an extra 25 - 30 minutes, it felt good to paddle and work our arms a little on the way back up.  

We saw a mink (we thought it was a baby gopher or something but Denielle corrected us). Haha!  We also spotted an oriole and a heron but the highlight were the carp spawning in the shallows.  I was able to paddle near them and see how big they are! Holy moly, they were huge, and UGLY!

It was a nice paddle, kind of boring in that there were no really fast flowing rapids that were fun to go down but that's ok. 

Scott mentioned that the Nith flows faster is a lot more fun so maybe we'll try that someday.
