Glen Morris to Paris Spring Kayak

We had quite the adventure today with Fernando and his family kayaking from Glen Morris to Paris.  I had a great day with the kids in the tandem though :)  It took us longer than I expected, about 2hrs and 40 minutes for about 12 km.  The first mishap was Matthew trying to get Fernando and Miguel unstuck. He must have lost his balance and let his kayak go... and away it went thankfully Tim and Lucy were ahead of him and able to stop his kayak.  

Jacques didn't navigate the rapids that well in the clearwater and he ended up going over sideways, dumping his kayak and then he let it go too.  Matthew and Lucy caught it floating upside down and the kids and I pulled over to shore and Jacques was able to hitch a very rough ride with us to catch up to the others waiting with his kayak.  His knees got pretty banged up, I think he was pretty sore.  We had just had a conversation about how he is afraid of the water and how much I loved it!  It was so unfortunate that he was the one that tipped.  In all the commotion we lost Abby's water bottle but by then the water had gotten fairly deep so she was able to jump out and swim to it and then swim back.  The water was so warm!  We were dipping our feet in it for most of the ride down the river.  The tops of my feet are pretty burnt.  

Fernando had a rough go as well because he couldn't see ahead of him at the back of the tandem and Miguel was heavier and didn't paddle as much as Fernando would have liked.  I felt bad for him cause his shoulder was hurting within half an hour of our paddle downstream :( 

Other than all that craziness the day was absolutely gorgeous and Abby, Mikey and I had a lovely paddle down to Paris in the new white tandem Tim picked up yesterday.  I really loved being in it with the kids.  Mikey complained a bit that he wanted to be home but he did really well for such a long paddle - and when it was over he was saying he wanted to do it again!  So yay!!! :) 
