Grand Valley Trail Black Walnut Section Hike 3

Great hike yesterday from Bestbuy at Fairway to Bloomingdale on the Grand Valley Trail.  Tim joined and challenged me to run a little more than I normally would.  We had a blast!  He's a little hurt though, his hip flexors aren't used to hiking.  It was nice to be along the Grand in Kitchener.  It didn't seem that much different that hiking at Rare but it was cool to explore something new.  I especially liked hiking from Victoria St to Rosendale - I think it was private property and it sure was muddy! The guidebook does warn of this but I didn't actually read it til after I'd done the hike :)  The Walter Bean trail looks like it would be really good for biking so I'm going to have to figure out a time for Denielle and I to do it :)  We'll need to work our way into it because it's pretty hilly.  I think one of the things I'll remember about this hike was every time Tim and I entered the woods Tim would be compelled to RUN.  He almost couldn't help himself.  Even though he won't admit that he likes running, he definitely likes trail running.  

Here are my fave photos:  

This tree is gonna fall over eventually

22.83km, 4:21hrs 

Future spots to explore - Chicopee, hike to the top.
Avon Trail
Walter Bean Grand River Trail
