Kayak log (from memory which is not always accurate 2020)

10km on the Grand is around 2 hours or 3 if you're with slower paddlers. (Just discovered this on our paddle from Victoria to Freeport May 16 2021)

Last year we did a few trips on the Grand and I don't remember how long they took us but I'm going to try and record that information this year. 

Glen Morris to Paris which was 11.7 km and I'm assuming that took us 3 hours maybe 2 1/2 

Petro Can to Paris which was 21 km and must have took way longer.  maybe 6 hours?  Maybe that was the day we all went out for dinner in Paris but I can't remember which one it was.

Freeport to Riverbluffs which was 17.2km with a large group (Beth, Larry, Ryan, Denielle Jill, and Dave and Sarah) IT didn't seem that long to me but it would have been a full day I'm sure. Maybe 4ish hours?

Moyers Landing to Riverbluffs - Denielle's favorite because we saw eagle

2020 Recap 

November 8, 2020 Blackbridge with kids, Shauna and Pat

October 10, 2020 Moyers Landing - Riverbluffs Ryan Denielle Carl Jill Shauna Dave Sarah

September 20 2020 Blackbridge Jill, Carl, Ryan Denielle Beth Larry Shauna

September 12 2020 Freeport to Riverbluffs  Beth, Larry, Ryan, Denielle Jill, and Dave and Sarah

September 6 2020 Petro Can to Paris Patrick Laura, Dave Sarah,, Ryan Denielle Jill

No pics for Glen Morris trip which was before September 12 didn't bring phone.
