Rare hike with Mark and Becky

I met Mark and Becky at the Slit Barn at Rare Saturday May 29th in the afternoon.  Mark lead us on an adventure walking through deer trails by the river in fields of stinging nettle.  Thank goodness we had pants on! He showed me a few of his favorite spots, one was a giant willow that Tim and I had discovered earlier this spring that someone had made a cool camp out of.  Now the camp has pretty much fallen down but there's no garbage or anything lying around so yay :)  He also took me down to the West Devil's Creek Waterfall.  The flow was minimal but it was covered in cool moss, I'm reading Gathering Moss by Robin Wall Kimmerer - it's a bit too science-y for me right now but it is cool to appreciate them and understand them more when I look at them.
