Speed River Trail hike with Tim and the Tanninens


Denielle and I took Tim and the kids to the Speed River Trail by Blackbridge Sunday.  It's hard to get a photo of Mikey's face because he always seems to be exploring and playing in the dirt and won't pose for me.  I suppose that's ok, I love that he's so engaged with nature.  I should invest in some proper hiking boots for him so he's not tromping around in his winter boots that are a few sizes too big but he doesn't complain as much as I think he will. It's so hard to justify spending lots of money on footwear when they grow so fast!!!  I'll check out the last hunt and see if I can find some deals.  

We've been really enjoying this trail.  The kids absolutely love it and have a few favorite spots.  Adam loves the filtering tree by the creek near the beginning.  Mikey plays in the pond with the mud and slathers the mud / clay all over the rocks that surround it.  The next fun part is the parkour trail that is about a kilometer of planks, plywood, little bridges over streams, roots and rocks. It's super muddy and Kayla always get muddy paws through there.  Then on to the grape vines where they love to swing and hang out - that's Abby's favorite spot and she always wants to hang out there all day.  The last stop is the kicking tree.  A huge tree fell fell over and the dirt is in the roots and they love to try and knock it all out.  After that spot we usually turn around and walk back, stopping at all our favorite spots on more time.  I love seeing them enjoy themselves so much.  

(My favorites spots are walking along the fern lined paths... the ferns are so tall and right next to us and it just feels so magical to me.  I feel like I'm in a paradise and I never want that part of the trail to end.)
