Snow and then Eggstravaganza

It's Sunday night.  Wanting to post a bit about what we've been up to the last couple days.

Friday we woke up to snow on the ground and when we came down the stairs and Mike saw the snow he exclaimed "YAY! SNOW!!"  I was thinking he was the only person in Cambridge who was actually happy to see snow at this time of year but just learned today that his best friend Lily also was happy to see the ground covered in that cold white stuff!

Since my babysitter didn't show up for me to go and have my Julie date and Tim was home and not going to work til late afternoon I decided I'd take Mike and Kayla out for a walk and drop off some donations down at the church.  Man was it windy!  Here are some pics of our little excursion.  We probably played down at the front of the property at the church for about half an hour before we were ready to go home.

Don't worry, I didn't let him pick the flower. He almost did though.   And then Kayla may have stepped on it so...  I think it'll survive.  

Saturday the weather completely changed and we went to Eggstravaganza.  It's a big Easter party down at the church with a fun egg hunt in the fields for the kids in the community.  140 kids showed up this year.  I didn't get any pictures of the actual Easter hunt or activities I was too overwhelmed by all the people and activity.  

Abby's favorite thing to do at church is go down this neat little path.  I don't know why we call it the fairy path but that's what it's called for now.

Here she is helping Mike up onto the big rock!

They are both saying cheese!

Missed naps but happy to be together!  Lily and Mikey
Notice Mikey's boots.
