January 2018

It's the beginning of a new year.  I didn't get to this blog last year at all did I? Oh well.  I was thinking of doing my usual recap of the year and decided I'd try to do it on the computer instead of in my journal.

We'll see how this goes.  :)

January 2018

Went to the Cullen farm on New Years Day and man was there ever a lot of snow.  Abby and I had a blast hanging out and playing outside.  They invited us to spend some time with them at their timeshare at Bayview Wildwood Resort near Port Severn the next weekend and I had nothing planned so off we went.  Tim had to stay home and work - boo but the kids and I went and had a really good time.  Swimming in the indoor pool, skating, making snowmen, and watching barbie movies for 5 days it was so good.

I tried to stay fit throughout January, did some work out videos and runs with Kayla outside
Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred a few times. her dialogue annoys me when she talks about working out to look sexy in a bikini or jeans... it's just kinda shallow and well of course I want to look good but that kind of talk doesn't motivate me at all.  Talk about getting stronger, faster, just healthier motivates me a lot more.

Abby and I played Star Stable I got more into it then she did :)!

I discovered Epicure at Christa's party.... unleashed a whole year of going to and having parties and spending money... Now my cupboards are full of spices I need to USE!

I brought the kids to playfit and we went for a family swim at the Dolson

I went to see The Greatest Showman with Jill, Laura and Jen at the mall and LOVED IT!

Pat had a little birthday get together for Abby with Amy and her family :)

We also celebrated Abby's 6th birthday with her friends.  We played hot potato and pin the tail on the donkey and bean bag toss - at drinking boxes haha! We had a blast!

Tim had a poker night with a bunch of guys in the shop

Tim went to a commoners meet up at Pete's

We ended January with our annual trip to Great Wolf Lodge with our friends and had a blast!  We look forward to this trip every year and it never disappoints.  I love it probably just as much as the kiddos.

Our Regular Schedule continued
We hosted small group on Wednesdays
I played basketball on Tuesdays and volunteered at Urban Hope with Overcomers
Tim hosted his guys night here on Thursdays when he was on days
Sundays Tim and I continued to count and volunteer in the kids ministry and then the Tanninens and Shauna came over for lunch.
Jojo cleaned for us on Wednesdays before small group

And of course we always had lots of company :)
Elena and Judy
Caroline (we played the Cabbage Patch board game that Pat dropped off!)
The Tanninen Family
The Tilley's - board games
John and Becky

January Photos
