Speed River Paddle Guelph to Cambridge 12km

Denielle and Tim have been wanting to paddle the Speed River for awhile now and when I research it, facebook people tend to say it's too shallow so I discourage them.  Well, we finally did it and IT WAS AWESOME!  I was really worried we'd be walking half of it but it was nothing like that, we only spent a few minutes pulling our boats :)
We put in at Municipal St. and stopped at Blackbridge, but then felt like paddling a bit more so went down to the dam and back.  It was really windy during the last section of the paddle but I wanted to see how fast I could make it to the dam and back so Tim and I paddled hard til we ran out of steam.  We made it to the dam in about 20ish minutes. We were a bit slower on the way back even though the wind was at out backs.  

The paddle to Blackbridge was around 12km and took 3:20 we averaged about 16.25km/hr
The paddle to the dam and back was around 5km and we averaged about 12.25km/hr (it took us an hour).

It was a beautiful paddle and was so neat to paddle beside our current favorite hiking trail.
