Morning paddle with Genevieve

 Genevieve and I have been wanting to do a morning paddle since she got here and you know how it is, it's easy to say 'Yeah, we should do that!' than to actually do the thing :)  But we finally did it.  I was at her house by 715ish and we were on the water before 8!  We pretty much had the river to ourselves and had a wonderful paddle.   She saw a deer by the water that I missed because I paddled ahead.  We saw a mink, hawks, a heron, egret, and a ton of carp sunning themselves or something in the water.  I can't think of anything else but there may have been more. 

We took out the Clearwater nunu's that we can just fit in the van.  They are too small though, I need to learn how to mount the big ones on our van by myself.  The nunu's seats are uncomfortable on my back and the cockpit is too small.  They are probably fine for the kids.  We met a dad and his son at the dam that reminded me so much of Ted from Schitt's creek.  He wondered if I was doing sprints but I was just running up the hill after peeing in the bush and hoping he hadn't seen me!

My app tracked 6km and 2hr40 minutes.  We were slower than any other time I've done the Blackbridge paddle because we explored a lot more and took our sweet time :)
