Moyer's Landing to Riverbluffs group paddle

We did a group paddle Sunday June 13 from Moyer's Landing to Riverbluffs.  It's a beautiful stretch of the Grand in Cambridge and super convenient for us since it's so close to home!  It's usually 6.3km.  I didn't track it but got Denielle's info from her tracker and it said she did 8.72. It was probably farther because she back tracked a lot to come visit those of us near the back of the pack and she also zig zagged on the river checking out shore line.  Instead of stopping at Riverbluffs we went down to the dam to check out the portage spot and then went around the island.  I didn't realize there was a bit of a trail on that side of the river.  It looks like there is some nice lookouts that I'll have to go check out.  Maybe the kids and I will go down and get ice cream at Dairy Queen some day and then walk down to those paths.  

I was stressing about group dynamics and how much emotional energy would be required of me prior to our paddle as per usual... but as per usual I had a lovely time and I think every one else did as well.  I'm trying to let go of feeling responsible for everyone's good time and to just let things be.  

Spotted an eagle that didn't seem bothered by our stopping and staring beneath him.  Cell phone cameras didn't do it justice! Maybe someday I will take our big camera down there.  Both times we've done this stretch of the Grand we've seen an eagle.  There was a mink right beneath him on the rocks scurrying into hiding as we got closer but I think I'm the only one who saw him since everyone else's eyes were looking up.

The flow seemed faster than when we did it late summer last year, which I suppose makes sense.  Didn't have to get out in the shallows at all but did hit bottom in a few spots. We finished the paddle in 1hr30min but then spent another 25 or so paddling down to the dam and around the river I think.
